The kitchen has been the heart and soul of our homes. My childhood home, my adult home, and now my children’s homes. It’s comfortable. It’s warm. It’s where I baked cookies with my mother and grandmother. And fought with my sisters to lick the bowl. Treasured family recipes that become more and more treasured as we make them over and over again with family and friends. And every time I make those recipes, I think of Mother and Mamaw. And they are with me.
Over the years my sisters and I would call Mother or Mamaw for “the” recipe. And later, each other. We would dig out the handwritten recipe from Mother or Mamaw’s recipe box. I’ve been talking about compiling family recipes and holiday menus into a book, forever! Then about 15 years, I started getting emails or texts from my son. “Mom, what’s the recipe?” And just like that, I was digital! Some of my favorite recipes for family gatherings and special occasions came from Mother and Mamaw.
Sharing a meal with someone is one of life’s greatest pleasures.