Oh Hanukkah, Oh, HanukkahCome light the menorahCome to our partyWe’ll all dance the horaGather ’round the tableWe’ll give you a treat,Dreidels to play with and latkes to eat I love Hanukkah! I love the food! […]
Family Holidays
Thanksgiving 2020
Over the years, I remember when Thanksgiving (and Christmas) looked different for me. I remember the first Thanksgiving I spent away from my family and home. It was 1976 and I was living and working in […]
Thanksgiving Menu – A Meal You Can Count On
Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. Thanksgiving is my husband’s favorite holiday and was my stepfather Joe’s favorite holiday. There is something about Thanksgiving…maybe it’s simpler. Family, friends, a meal that you can count on, and […]
Roasted Vegetables with Pomegranate Vinaigrette
Photo Credit: Martha Stewart Living, November 2009
Rosh Hashanna Menu
“There is no way you can practice Judaism religiously or culturallywithout food. Food has been intrinsic to Jewish ritual, life, andculture from the outset. What is the very first act that the Israelitesin Egypt are […]
Turkey Gravy
I keep it simple. I save about a tablespoon of the butter and herb mixture left in the measuring cup that I use to baste the turkey. I take about a 1/4 cup of drippings […]